cbd oil distillate vape carts terpenesleafwize
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Safety of Terpenes & Flavor Additives in Cannabis Vape Cartridges

An Analysis of The Safety of Terpenes & Flavor Additives in Cannabis Vape Cartridges - A research-based analysis from  Extract Consultants Extract Consultants, a quality manufacturer of botanical terpenes and flavor additives, took a deeper…
CBD-CBN for sleep and relief

Can CBN help you get better sleep?

We've all heard that we need to sleep well for good health... So we change our diets and get more exercise to improve sleep and even use tech gadgets to track and report our sleep patterns, yet people still have trouble falling asleep when…
reduced packaging hemp cbd cannabis

Reduced Packaging for Hemp CBD

Leafwize Believes in Using Reduced Packaging for Hemp CBD The cannabis and Hemp/CBD industries are notoriously bad at creating a mountain of packaging waste for every product sold. Consumers end up immediately throwing away all extra outer…
C3 Podcast: Cannabis Commerce and Chemistry

Learn and Teach Others: Cannabis Core Training

Improve Your Knowledge with Cannabis Core Training Did you know? The cannabis genome produces 100+ cannabinoids, 150+ terpenes, and 20 flavonoids. These phytomolecules interact with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) to produce…

CBD for Covid-19… Science or hype?

There has been a lot of discussion lately around a few recent scientific studies talking about the effects of CBD for Covid-19. Is it hype or is there real science behind these headlines? One of the first reports to come out was a University…

Prop 65 Warning Labels for THC in CBD Products

California's Proposition 65 Adds THC to the List Chemicals Known to Cause Harm. As of January 3rd, 2021, the State of California has mandated that all products sold to and from California have a warning label on any products that contain any…