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Can CBD interact with other drugs?

Yes. While CBD is safe to use, it can potentially alter the effects of other medications you may be taking.

Note: CBD is serious medicine. Like other medications, CBD can have interactions with other prescriptions you may be taking. CBD can effectively amplify the effects of certain medications or slow down/inhibit others. Please ask your doctor/pharmacist or check the list first.

The way that CBD is metabolized by your liver can interfere with how your body normally metabolizes other drugs you take. If those other drugs aren’t metabolized properly, they can work too well or hang around in your system longer than you want. This can cause negative side effects and complications.

CBD drug interactions aren’t always bad. Sometimes they can actually be a good thing. CBD can make certain drugs more effective, so much so that you can reduce the dosage and thus have less negative side effects to deal with.

Here is a short list of drug types affected by addition of CBD (See reference list below for more info):

  • NSAIDS (Need Less NSAID)
  • Insulin (Buffers Insulin Sensitivity)
  • Opiates (Need Less Opiate)
  • Warfarin (Need Less Warfarin)
  • Statins/Cholesterol (Need More CBD)

The Grapefruit Test

Have you ever been told not to take your medication with grapefruit? This is because compounds in grapefruits can interfere with the metabolism of many medications. CBD does the same thing, but the effect is even stronger.

If you ask your doctor or pharmacist: “Should I avoid eating grapefruits or drinking grapefruit juice with this medication?” They will know exactly what you are talking about. If they say yes, you should avoid grapefruits with your medication, you now know you need to be careful about mixing CBD with those same meds as well. Talk to your doctor about CBD and tell them about it if they say you should avoid grapefruits with your medication.

Useful links for CBD and drug interactions

The bottom line… Play it safe: If you take medications, make sure they won’t interact negatively with CBD before you take a large dose.

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